Joker Trailer Review: 9 Ups & 1 Down

7. The Musical Choice

Joker Hedge
Warner Bros.

Let's bang that same drum again, shall we? A good musical choice can mean the difference between a good trailer and a great one. Suicide Squad knew it, the Guardians Of The Galaxy trailers knew it... And now Warner Bros have done it again for Joker.

Yes, it might be a very obvious choice when you think about the Joker origin they're going with, but since when has obvious been a bad thing when selling a movie? A trailer ought to be a slice of what we can expect from the movie, and the message of Jimmy Durante's "Smile" is delightfully apt here.

In the same way that Avengers: Age Of Ultron stole Pinocchio's "No Strings" to add a different meaning, Durante's song here is pushed through a darker filter to focus more pertinently on the "though your heart is aching". The idea of performance to hide pain is a brilliant one and that appears to be the message here.

And even better? They don't get some ridiculous indie singer who can't pronounce vowels properly to butcher it.

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