Joseph Gordon-Levitt: 5 Awesome Roles And 5 That Sucked

2. Richie Nix - Killshot

Killshot sounded promising when it was first announced; an all-star cast starring in a movie based on an acclaimed book. After some hell in post-production and a round of reshoots, it was finally just dumped onto DVD where no one watched it. It wastes a perfectly fine cast, with Levitt surprisingly being the worst of the bunch as a swaggering hitman whose only goal in life is to be really, really obnoxious. He wildly overacts in every scene he appears, killing any scene of tension or dread. A scene where he trashes an office to intimidate another character - including pulling a deer head off a wall €“ is just awesome in how silly it is. His exit couldn't come quick enough; when he just keeps yapping away at a dinner a follow hitman just puts out a gun and shoots him in the head; a mercy for which the viewer is thankful.

Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.