Joseph Gordon-Levitt: 5 Awesome Roles And 5 That Sucked

3. Jimmy - Halloween H20

It€™s like some weird rites of passage for future movie stars that they start out as victims of horror icons; there was Kevin Bacon in Friday The 13th, Johnny Depp in A Nightmare On Elm St and Levitt got to meet his demise at the hands of Michael Myers. Michael did the audience a favour on this one though, because Levitt€™s character Jimmy is a profoundly annoying teen that just won€™t shut the hell up. He appears wearing hockey gear €“ which must be some kind of Jason Voorhees in-joke €“ and agrees to search a neighbour€™s house after a suspected break in. In just a few short minutes he makes a few bad jokes, swings around his hockey stick like a tough guy and generally grates on the nerves. If this was his intention then he did a great job, because it€™s immensely satisfying when Jimmy is found with an ice skate buried in his face. His role in H20 is that of the stereotypical annoying teenager who is destined to get slaughtered, and annoying is the right word to summarise his performance.

Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.