Joseph Gordon-Levitt: 5 Awesome Roles And 5 That Sucked

...And 5 That Sucked

5. Wilee - Premium Rush

Sandwiched between The Dark Knight Rises and Looper, Premium Rush is a lame thriller that broke Levitt€™s hot streak and proved he couldn€™t always overcome the material he was given. Any thriller that tries to make the life of a bike messenger into a high-octane thrill ride is already getting off to a bad start, and it doesn€™t help that Levitt€™s character Wilee is a clichéd thrill seeker with no real personality. His only character trait is that he likes to ride his bike really fast, but there€™s not much more to him than that. Levitt has a talent for being able to turn even a thinly written character into something compelling, yet there€™s not much he can do here besides grimace as he dodges traffic. The chance to do a mainstream film with a slightly off-kilter idea was probably the appeal for Levitt here, but it results in maybe his blandest performance to date.

Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.