Joss Whedon: 10 Crowning Moments Of Awesome

7. Cabin in the Woods - The Final Choice

Cabin in the Woods is regarded one of the best and most original horror movies in a long time. Its blend of meta-analysis and humour along with slick bloody action, gruesome kills and literally every kind of monster imaginable means that it does the rare thing and account for nearly every horror movie ever made, making it the retroactive mother of horror flicks. In the finale, Whedon waxes philosophical once more and has his final girl heroine Dana caught between an impossible choice given by Sigourney Weaver's director in a show-stopping cameo €“ complete the ritual by killing her close friend Marty and save the world, or sacrifice everyone for the sake of love. Dana elects to choose love and makes the very human decision to stop the ritual, making the first upbeat ending that ends in human destruction since 'Dr Strangelove' only somehow sweeter.

Leeds native, film fanatic, TV obsessive and relentless pop music fan. Sings off-key at any chance.