Joss Whedon: 10 Films He Should Work On Next

2. A Female-Fronted Action Film

When Joss Whedon made Buffy The Vampire Slayer, it seemed revolutionary that a female protagonist could be an action hero (even though we€™d seen a handful of great screen heroines before). Now, the entertainment landscape has shifted hugely in its view of women. Daisy Ridley, for example, has just led Star Wars: The Force Awakens to its spot as one of most financially successful movies of all time. So, now that the world of movies has caught up with what Whedon has being doing for years, surely he€™s contemplated wading back in to the game with his own female-fronted action movie. A likeable lady lead kicking all sorts of arse. It seems like he€™d find a big audience with that kind of thing right now. He€™s worked with Scarlet Johansson - one of the biggest actresses on the planet - on his two Avengers movies, so maybe he could ring her up once he€™s got an action-packed script ready for perusal. Any studio would invest in that combination, because audiences would undoubtedly flock to the cinema to see what such an in-vogue duo could come up with. This entry on the list is born of pure speculation, as there aren't any unused Whedon female action movie scripts floating about. But, saying that, Whedon probably has loads of ideas stashed away that he hasn€™t spoken publicly about just yet. And, knowing Whedon's back catalogue, there's bound to be a bad-ass female hero in there somewhere.

Film & TV journo. Quite tall.