Jude Law: 5 Awesome Performances And 5 That Sucked

1. Michael Daly - 360 (2011)

Jude Law Is there any movie type more annoying working its way through cinemas today than the ones about interconnected characters who don't know each another, but - hey, look - we're all linked and here's a two hour movie to show you how and why you should care about that? Okay, so, movies of that kind were interesting once upon a time, but they've been done to death now to the point where they only ever feel pretentious and overwrought. 360, which - so very surprisingly - came from the same director of City Of God, is one of those pictures. Jude Law's in it. Sort of. "Disinterested" in the only word that can be used to describe Law's performance here. He makes a similar turn to the one he made in Breaking And Entering, but even in that movie you got the occasional sense that Law was telling himself: "Come on - at least try to look like you're into this." Such expressions are entirely absent from 360, which somehow manages to extract terrible performances from not only Law, but Anthony Hopkins and Rachel Weisz, too. The film is so dull, in fact, that you can genuinely see how bored the actors are... and Law is the worst culprit. Like this article? Which movies did we miss? Let us know in the comments section below.

Ben Harrison hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.