Jurassic World: 10 Obscure References You Totally Missed

6. The Indominus Rex Mocks The T-Rex "Plot Hole"

The Reference: When Claire and Owen wind up in the deserted visitor centre, they get in a bit more trouble than the two brothers, finding themselves trapped by the Indominus Rex. After sticking its nose in the garage, the dinosaur slinks away, only to suddenly smash its way into the building. A fun (if pretty obvious) jump scare, this is also a send-up of an oft-stated plot hole from the original - how did the T-Rex get into the building at the film's climax? What It Really Means: Despite there actually being a pretty large hole in the in-construction visitor centre's wall that a T-Rex could easily fit through, this has become one of the niggles people have with Jurassic Park, mainly due to how a monster whose distant approach would set water rippling can now stealth attack a pack of raptors. This moment doesn't do much to explain how that happened, but in lightly poking fun at it Jurassic World shows some acknowledgement for the franchise's penchant for some internal logic not quite making sense.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.