Jurassic World 2 - Everything You Need To Know

3. It Will Play With The Core Themes Of The Franchise

Jurassic World 2
Universal Pictures

Bad decisions, gore-inducing mistakes and mankind facing up to the past are the recurring themes of this franchise, and that's not about to change. Chatting to Jurassic Outpost, Trevorrow revealed that the script he's co-written centres on the idea that "A mistake made a long time ago just can’t be undone [...] You can’t put it back into the box.”

Trevorrow also explained that he's gone back to the source material for inspiration. Jurassic World 2 is apparently "Built upon the concepts and stories that Crichton created with the novels," with some dialogue being copy and pasted directly into the script. "It makes me feel like such a good writer," Trevorrow joked. "Look at me, that’s a hell of a sentence!"

The literal confrontation between past and present will also be important to the film, Trevorrow told Coming Soon: "Dinosaurs and man, separated by 65 million years of evolution have been thrown back into the mix together. How can we know what to expect?"


Film & TV journo. Quite tall.