Jurassic World 2 - Everything You Need To Know

2. Bryce Dallas Howard's Claire Will "Evolve" (Not Literally)

Jurassic World 2
Universal Pictures

"We know Owen [Chris Pratt] is going to be in it and Claire [Bryce Dallas Howard] will be in it and neither will be in the same place that we left them in this movie," Trevorrow told Coming Soon on the topic of Jurassic World's returning protagonists.

"Claire is the one who evolves the most over the trilogy, it’s her story that mirrors this changing world, Owen has s**t to deal with", Trevorrow elaborated. "The two of them opened Pandora’s Box in Jurassic World and each of them are responsible for different elements of it in different ways, and I think the way that these characters are connected to the circumstances of what’s happening is different than the previous films."

"It’s not 'let’s manufacture a way to get them somewhere,'" he continued, jibing slightly at the previous Jurassic Park sequels. "They’re embedded into it now in a way that as storytellers makes it much easier for us to keep them involved and doesn’t feel as contrived."

Exactly what Claire's evolution will entail remains to be seen, but it's obvious she'll be front and centre in Jurassic World 2. After the online rage about her footwear in the previous movie, allowing her to grow sounds like a strong move.


Film & TV journo. Quite tall.