Jurassic World 2 - Everything You Need To Know

1. Dinos Aren’t Just For Parks

Jurassic World 2
Universal Pictures

"[This] isn’t always going to be limited to theme parks, and there are applications for this science that reach far beyond entertainment", Trevorrow told Wired, before revealing the big narrative hook at the heart of Jurassic World 2: "What if this went open source? It's almost like InGen is Mac, but what if PC gets their hands on it? What if there are 15 different entities around the world who can make a dinosaur?"

"And when you look back at nuclear power and how that started, the first instinct was to weaponise it and later on we found it could be used for energy", Trevorrow teased. Jurassic Outpost also interviewed Trevorrow about his script, and they learnt that "There’s mention of militarisation in the sequel, but there’s also mention of open source and humans living along[side] dinosaurs."

Don't expect to see military dinosaurs actually appearing in a Trevorrow-scripted film, though. “Jurassic World War feels like a cartoon to me", he told Jurassic Outpost. "I’d watch that cartoon with my kid, but I wouldn’t make it."

This raises a few questions: if there are other companies making dinosaurs in Jurassic World 2, but there won't be military dinos in action, what will be different about the non-InGen creations? Will there be dinosaurs used for energy, or food, or labour, or what?

The possibilities are endless with the expansion away from parks and islands, and it'll be fun to see which way they go with it. Hopefully there will be a bit more to it than the new companies just providing different locations to be trashed.

What do you want to see in Jurassic World 2? If you were CEO of a dino-creating company, what would you do with them? Leave your thoughts in the comments below...


Film & TV journo. Quite tall.