Jurassic World: Predicting The Entire Plot In 10 Steps

7. The Kids Take A Ride In A Gyrosphere; The Hybrid Attacks

At this point, we're about forty-five minutes into the movie: Owen has warned Claire about the dangers of the hybrid, she's told him that there's nothing to worry about, and then we're back with Zach and Gray as they get into one of those Gyrosphere things we glimpsed in the trailer. They see a few dinosaurs, they're having a great day (despite that no-show dad of theirs), and then it happens: the hybrid appears out of the jungle. Which, of course, causes absolutely chaos and mania. The trailer shows us that the Gyrospheres allow visitors to get up close and personal with a heard of brontosaurus; maybe they're spooked by the appearance of the hybrid, which causes them to stampede and break stuff and kill people. Anyway, the Gyrosphere with the kids in it derails and goes off-course, causing them to crash land in the jungle.

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.