Jurassic World: Predicting The Entire Plot In 10 Steps

6. Chris Pratt's All Like: "Evacuate The Park!"; Goes With Bryce Dallas Howard To Find His Kids

Okay, so at this point, Owen and Claire realise what has happened: Claire realises she's made a huge mistake creating a dinosaur that she didn't really understand, and Owen realises that his kids are out there in the middle of Jurassic World whilst a giant hybrid is going around eating people, smashing stuff, and generally doing a lot of bad. He orders everyone to evacuate the park, and we watch this happening. Owen, of course, can't leave, because he has to find his kids. And given that it's all Claire's fault, she's going to agree to come with him to get them. We can surmise all this stuff from that fact that a) there are shots in the trailer of the kids loose in the jungle on their lonesome and b) there's a candid shot of a damaged Gyrosphere - a Gyrosphere which Owen approaches whilst pulling a face that says: "The kids were here."

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.