Jurassic World: Predicting The Entire Plot In 10 Steps

5. Most Of The Tourists Get Off The Island; A Security Team, Led By Brian Tee, Fail To Kill The Hybrid

Next up, there are a bunch of scenes involving people getting killed on the island, whilst most of the tourists manage to escape. This will be intercut with the likes of Zach and Gray trying to evade a bunch of dinosaurs - but mainly that hybrid - whilst Owen and Claire try to track them in the jungle whilst bickering. Meanwhile, Brian Tee's character, a "security expert," will attempt to kill the hybrid, and will get eaten up in the process. Now the stakes are super high, because the only people really left in Jurassic World are Owen, Claire, Zach and Gray. Maybe at this point, Claire will take a romantic liking to Owen or something, but Owen - stoic as he is - will reject her on the grounds that she's responsible for the deaths of a bunch of innocent tourists, and - if they don't act in time - his kids. He'll probably then say something like: "When this is all over, so are you."

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.