Justice League: 10 Huge New Reveals About Zack Snyder's Reshoots 

6. How Much New Footage Have The Reshoots Added?

Batman Joker Snyder Cut
Warner Bros.

This is a question fans have had ever since it was revealed Zack Snyder would be taking charge of reshoots. Despite enlisting a number of key cast members, it doesn't appear as if the filmmaker is going to get the chance to wrap up any of the loose ends Justice League probably has (remember, it was planned as a "Part One" movie when shooting was taking place).

"I will say that in the end it’s going to probably be about four minutes or five minutes of additional photography for the entire movie," Snyder confirmed. "In the four hours that is Justice League, maybe four minutes." That's really not a lot, and it seems like most of the new footage - which wasn't in Joss Whedon's cut - will come from what he filmed the first time around.

This is a little disappointing, as The Joker is likely getting only a couple of minutes of screentime at most, but it does potentially leave the door open to a sequel happening somewhere down the line.

Unfortunately, it still seems unlikely Warner Bros. will commit to that even if this four-part miniseries is a hit when it arrives on the HBO Max streaming service.


Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.