Justice League: 10 New Scenes Zack Snyder's Upcoming Reshoots Could Add

8. Martian Manhunter Revealed

Justice League Snyder Cut

Back when "The Snyder Cut" of Justice League seemed like little more than a pipe dream, the filmmaker took to Vero to share storyboards revealing that the meeting between Lois Lane and Martha Kent was going to end with the reveal that the latter was, in fact, Martian Manhunter.

The hero was then going to transform into Man of Steel and Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice character General Swanwick, revealing that he had been hiding among the human race all this time, keeping an eye on Superman and helping him become a hero.

The sequence was never shot, so common sense says these reshoots will be used to change that.

There's absolutely no reason why Martian Manhunter shouldn't be a major player in the DC Extended Universe, and while this introduction is unlikely to lead anywhere beyond this movie, Snyder could very easily add the hero to that final battle against Steppenwolf. After all, it surely wouldn't be that tricky to place him alongside the team in that memorable shot of them assembled in the DC FanDome trailer!


Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.