Justice League: 10 Potential Enemies For The Film

7. Ocean Master

Ocean Master is Aqauman€™s half-brother Orm and, in The New 52, king of Atlantis, hating the surface world and being prepared to go to any lengths to protect his kingdom. In a recent storyline in Justice League, The Throne of Atlantis, Orm invaded the surface after believing humanity attacked Atlantis and displayed technology and weapons superior to humanity€™s. Once the Justice League foiled Ocean Master€™s plan Aquaman took the throne of Atlantis, finally accepting his full Atlantean heritage after years of rejecting it. Ocean Master would be a good villain for the Justice League film because not only does he command a powerful army, but he does not necessarily see himself as a villain; he is a king seemingly protecting his people from dangerous race. It would also be a good way to introduce Aquaman and show the mainstream audience he is actually a very skilled warrior rather than the useless hero Family Guy and Robot Chicken love to make fun of. Geoff Johns made several meta-references to Aquaman's public image throughout his run on the title, but perhaps the best came from the end of Throne of Atlantis with a bystander talking about his fears of Aquaman and his kind, saying €œI never thought I€™d say this, but he€™s dangerous.€ Showing Aquaman stand against his half-brother and fellow Atlantean warriors could be just what is needed to break the public image of an ineffectual Aquaman.

Richard Church has a Bachelor of Arts in English and a diploma in Television Writing and Producing. He is an aspiring writer for short stories, novels and screenplays. He is also an avid fan of comic books and graphic novels.