Justice League: 10 Potential Enemies For The Film

6. Mongul

Mongul is the ruler of Warworld, an intergalactic empire where he entertained and punished his subjects with gladiatorial games, commonly joining the games himself for fun. He€™s frequently attempted invasions of Earth and, in one of his biggest moments, helped destroy Green Lantern€™s hometown of Coast City, but perhaps his most famous story is Alan Moore€™s €œFor The Man Who Has Everything€ where he brainwashes Superman into a deep hallucination and fights Wonder Woman before fighting the Man of Steel himself. Even his son, Mongul II, attempts to conquer the galaxy after his father's death, going so far as to actually take control of the Sinestro Corps in Sinestro€™s absence. Aside from being a great physical match for Superman and Wonder Woman, Mongul has a very methodical mindset, but he usually relies more on his brute strength than cunning to win the day. His greatest weakness, however, is that his pride often leads him to underestimate his opponents. For example, he was more concerned about Wonder Woman€™s strength to even consider Batman€™s intellect might be able to save Superman from his hallucination. Despite this, he is still a dangerous and ruthless villain capable of threatening the planet, acting as a clear catalyst to unite the Justice League.

Richard Church has a Bachelor of Arts in English and a diploma in Television Writing and Producing. He is an aspiring writer for short stories, novels and screenplays. He is also an avid fan of comic books and graphic novels.