Justice League: 10 Potential Enemies For The Film

4. Sinestro

Once a Green Lantern himself, Sinestro was kicked out and imprisoned for abandoning his oath, practically turning his home planet into a police state with himself as ruler. Sinestro firmly believes in order, but his belief that it is brought about by fear rather than willpower is what makes him truly frightening and ruthless character. Sinestro may not be able to completely take on the Justice League on his own, but his Corps? He and his Sinestro Corps army launched an invasion on Earth, nearly succeeding in destroying it, the Justice League and the entire Green Lantern Corps. Sinestro has gone through a marvellous reinvention in the last decade, becoming a three-dimensional, complex villain. In fact, villain may not even be the right term to use because his motivations have become so fleshed out he€™s not necessarily a villain anymore. Once Geoff Johns got a hold of the Green Lantern property, Sinestro€™s popularity shot up to become one of DC€™s best villains who didn€™t laugh manically or was evil for the sake of being evil. Rather he€™s a man who fully acknowledges the severity of his actions, but believes he is a necessary evil to create order and a lasting peace throughout the universe. Seeing the Justice League take on the Sinestro Corps would not only be great, but give Green Lantern a chance to shine and redeem the character from 2011€™s poor Green Lantern film. In fact, Mark Strong€™s portrayal of Sinestro was the only truly compelling aspect from that movie, making Sinestro€™s appearance in the DC Cinematic Universe, whether it will be in Justice League or a Green Lantern reboot, a necessity.

Richard Church has a Bachelor of Arts in English and a diploma in Television Writing and Producing. He is an aspiring writer for short stories, novels and screenplays. He is also an avid fan of comic books and graphic novels.