Justice League: 10 Potential Enemies For The Film

3. Brainiac

Brainiac is an AI who assimilates whole worlds before destroying them, moving onto the next and repeating the process in an effort to gain knowledge and also make that world€™s information more valuable. He will not have fulfilled his goals until all life in the galaxy has been extinguished and collected by taking a city and shrinking it down into a bottle, thereby having a living piece of the world he destroys. Brainiac€™s threat level is unquestionable given how intelligent he is and his refusal to die, always coming back in a newer, and sometimes better, body. He also has a keen interest in Superman as Kal-El is one of the few remaining Kryptonians in existence. In fact, Brainiac visited Krypton and stole the city of Kandor, leaving the planet alive only because it would be destroyed shortly after which understandably created a grudge between Superman and any other surviving Kryptonian against Brainiac. Brainiac's curiosity extends to Earth as well as its full of diverse cultures and a strong metahuman population, something he believes is a rare commodity in the universe and often puts Earth in his crosshairs because of this.

Richard Church has a Bachelor of Arts in English and a diploma in Television Writing and Producing. He is an aspiring writer for short stories, novels and screenplays. He is also an avid fan of comic books and graphic novels.