Justice League: 10 Things That Have Threatened To Ruin The Hype
2. JOKES?!
The most ardent of DCEU fans have always had a thing about the apparently humourless tone of the DCEU to date: "jokes" were for Marvel children with their immaturity and their films with no real stakes or adult themes. The DCEU, in stark contrast was for grown-ups, who liked more than just bright colours, Disney-fied characters and a cartoonish tone full of jokes.
But then the trailers and the first footage all came out and - shock, horror - it looked very much like the DCEU was changing to be a lot more like the MCU. There were silly gags and distracting, needless humour (at least according to those who really weren't big fans). Surely Zack Snyder wouldn't have signed off on this?
Inevitably, the "blame" was lain at Joss Whedon's door, since he'd clearly learned those tropes from his time in the MCU, and the disappointment from the die-hard MCU haters was tangible. And whisper it, but there's a slight feeling that some of those changes have alienated the core of Snyder's fans. That's bad news, even if the more humorous tone is a good thing for mainstream appeal.
The anxiety about the new approach was obviously picked up on by the studio, who made sure to heavily reference the fact that it was always the plan to move towards a new tone naturally in the pre-release marketing. And it was actually Zack Snyder's plan all along.