Justice League: 10 Things You Need To Know About Ray Fisher's Battle With Warner Bros.

6. Geoff Johns Allegedly Threatened Ray Fisher's Career

Cyborg Justice League
Warner Bros.

At Justice Con, Zack Snyder hinted that he played no role in the hiring of Joss Whedon as his replacement, leaving fans to wonder whether Warner Bros. was creating some sort of false narrative when they made it sound like the filmmaker had hand-picked The Avengers helmer as his replacement.

Reports started swirling that Geoff Johns had stepped in to essentially rewrite Chris Terrio's screenplay when Snyder was still at the helm of Justice League, essentially "sabotaging" the director's vision before personal circumstances led to him having to walk away from the project (as fans had long speculated, though, it was starting to look like that was not the only reason he was done with the movie).

Fisher painted Johns in an even more negative light when he sent out a Tweet saying, "During the LA reshoots for Justice League, Geoff Johns summoned me to his office to belittle and admonish my (and my agent’s) attempts to take grievances up the proper chain of command. He then made a thinly veiled threat to my career."

Despite this, Johns remained silent, but events would soon take a very unexpected turn.


Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.