Justice League: 25 WTF Moments

17. Barry's Not A Superhero, But He Totally Is

Justice League The Flash
Warner Bros

When we meet Barry Allen, he's still living off the radar, trying to work out a way to clear his father's name, since he - somehow - KNOWS he didn't murder his wife. He makes it his business to stay undetected (presumably because he suspects some threat to him, either tied to her death or his powers, but that's never established) and moves from place to place to hide better.

He is not yet a hero, in any shape and talks about never actually being in any sort of combat (aside from "pushing" some people) and seems to operate in plain clothes (as in the footage revealed in Batman v Superman). So how come he already has a superhero suit?

Surely, it would have made more sense for Bruce Wayne to use his inventiveness to develop Barry a suit to allow him to use his powers better. That way, it might have made sense that he somehow got his hands on the materials used in the space shuttle's heat shields despite living effectively on the streets. Come to think of it, how the hell does he pay for his Flash Cave set-up too?


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.