Justice League: 25 WTF Moments

18. Why Doesn't Steppenwolf Just Transform Everyone Into Parademons?

Justice League Parademon
Warner Bros.

If Steppenwolf has the ability to create Parademons at the drop of a hat - which is established in the flashback sequence without a concrete explanation of HOW - then why does he bother fighting the Justice League at all? Why not just transform them into Parademons and have done with it?

The problem with the Parademons is that the film never establishes that they are created as part of the Unity, which is instead mentioned only as a terraforming mechanism. And Steppenwolf arriving with a horde of them already in action suggests that he doesn't need the Mother Boxes to be unified to make them at all.

It's a gap in the film's logic that creates a question that in turn suggests that Steppenwolf is a bit of an idiot, and that's the last thing he needs.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.