Justice League: 25 WTF Moments

9. The Super Durable Russians

Chernobyl Girl Justice League
Warner Bros.

The Russian families who hole up around the nuclear power plant that becomes Steppenwolf's base to terraform Earth are a very Joss Whedon touch - adding a human cost sort of element to proceedings that adds another element to the final battle (and gives The Flash something to actually do).

But the fact that not just one family but an entire community of families manage to somehow survive for the entire time the invasion is happening just by boarding up their doors is a step too far into the realms of silliness. If the Parademons are so aroused to blood lust by fear that they'll kill their own master in the end, why do they so casually ignore the terrified snacks hiding behind poorly built doors?


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.