Justice League: 25 WTF Moments

8. The Suicide Squad Doesn't Turn Up

Suicide Squad Will Smith Deadshot Rick Flag Joel Kinnaman
Warner Bros. Pictures

At the start of Suicide Squad, it's established that the black ops team are set up specifically in case of another Superman Incident - whereby a malevolent alien attacks or another superpowered individual turns rogue. Then at the end of the same movie, Amanda Waller confirms that the Squad is still operating (when she threatens Bruce Wayne about forming his own super-team), and presumably still looking for super-threats.

So it's somewhat surprising, then, that the Squad don't turn up when aliens invade - the first part of their reason d'etre - and it's even more surprising that they don't appear when Superman turns up and appears to be evil. That's literally the only reason they exist as a thing - so why the hell does Waller sit on them?


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.