Justice League: 25 WTF Moments

7. Nobody Tries To Eat The Flash

Parademon Justice League
Warner Bros.

The very end of the movie establishes that Steppenwolf's control of the Parademons is linked directly to his huge axe, and when that is destroyed he can neither control them or protect himself from fearing them, so they turn on him and eat him, drawn by that fear.

It's proved at that point - and right at the start of the movie when Batman uses a criminal for bait - that the appeal of fear is irresistible to them, so why is it that The Flash - who is demonstrably terrified all the way through his encounters with the Parademons and Steppenwolf - isn't swarmed and attacked?

He might have been easily able to escape thanks to his powers, but it still makes no sense that they aren't attracted to him.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.