Justice League: 6 Major Changes The DCEU Is Making To Fix Itself

5. It's Now Going To Be About Hope

Batman V Superman 25
Warner Bros. Pictures

It's all well and good to say it "couldn't be more wrong" to go dark and gritty, but there needs to then be an alternative; fun and cheery as a blanket cover isn't exactly the best flip-side.

Thankfully, this is Geoff Johns, DC superfan-cum-writing-maestro. If someone understands these characters on an intrinsic level, it's him (he's spent most of his time at DC Comics chasing that basic status quo, after all), and he's wanting to make these iterations all about hope:

“It’s a hopeful and optimistic view of life. Even Batman has a glimmer of that in him. If he didn’t think he’d make tomorrow better, he’d stop.”

I can't believe it's taken this long for someone to finally get that message across. That's what the S freaking stands for, and is more apt for this Kal-El than any previous, while for an aged Batman the discussion should turn to what his future is; all Snyder did was use it to remove Affleck from the comic book version. Better late than never.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.