Justice League: 6 Major Changes The DCEU Is Making To Fix Itself

2. It'll Be Less Snyder-y

Batman V Superman 62
Warner Bros. Pictures

One of the biggest reasons I think Justice League could wind up being the best film in the DCEU is because, unlike the other movies where the studio got seriously involved far too late to make an impact, leading to a violent edit, they're overseeing the whole production, so while it'll be filmmaking by committee, it'll be a f*cking well-ran committee.

It's also been assumed some of the intrinsic creative elements beyond story structure will be tempered, chief among them this "style" everyone thinks makes Snyder a visionary director. Yes, he can make a comic book panel in heavily saturated, CGI-infused live-action, but he never injects any purpose or use it to, so it rarely does anything more than get the audience to go "oooh".

And now we have confirmation that is indeed the case: Johns says the "controversial flourishes" won't be as prevalent. He oddly cites the Knightmare sequence, which felt like more of a storytelling issue, but don't let take away from this mini victory.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.