4. Theyre Great with Mythology
"because we grew up on comic books and the Tolkien trilogy, one of the things we're interested in is bringing serial fiction to cinema," - Lana Wachowski.
The main reason The Avengers worked so well was the successful Universification of the Marvel properties leading up to it. Each film established a new member; each post-credit scene added an extra dimension; alluded to something greater than the singular movies. With The Avengers established ahead of time, all Joss Whedon had to do was assemble them, and he was away. However Warner Bros. decide to do it, they really need to create this same sense of Universification in order to capture the feeling of the comic books, like The Avengers successfully did. I cant help but feel that adding the Wachowskis to the pot, with their roots in comic books, high fantasy and world-creation, would serve only to aid them on this front.