Justice League Movie: 10 Alternate Heroes We'd Love To See

8. Red Tornado

Red Tornado might not be one of the most recognizable of the DC characters, but he's been in several superhero teams, such as the Justice League, Justice Society of America, Young Justice, and Primal Force, and would be an incredible character to bring to life on the big screen. Created by Gardner Fox and Dick Dillin in 1968, the android was built by the supervillain T.O. Morrow, for the purpose of infiltrating the Justice Society and killing each member of the team. Eventually, he betrays his master and joins the JSA, though he always struggles with finding where he truly belongs and has trouble with handling human emotions and actions, and constantly sought acceptance. He's a highly intelligent AI, possessing superior strength and durability, and has the capability to create bursts of cyclone force winds. Those winds enable flight, enhanced speed, and the creation of storms. Since he's an android, he can also access information from any foreign computer system, and is eventually given nanites that allow him to change from android to human form at will. While Red Tornado likely couldn't hold his own solo film, he could be an interesting addition to the team. Of course, he's similar to Marvel's character The Vision, who will be in Avengers: Age of Ultron, so chances are he'll remain in comic book pages for the foreseeable future. However, if they ever do decide to bring him to life, he has a large cult following and would be a great addition to the JLA roster on film.

James is a 24 year old writer and filmmaker living in Portland, OR. He attended college for graphic design and writes for various sources on the web about film, television, and entertainment. You can view all of his work on his website, www.thereeljames.wordpress.com