Justice League Movie - 6 Pieces Of Incredible DC Concept Art You Have To See
4. Cyborg Revealed
Cyborg is a character who was first added to the ranks of the Justice League during "The New 52" comic book reboot back in 2011. Originally a Teen Titan, the new version of Victor Stone has become a pivotal part of this team, serving as their transportation (with the use of Boom Tubes) and a master of both technology and weaponry. Simply put, he's a badass, and Warner Bros. has nailed his look for this world. It's clear though that is costume is likely going to be almost entirely CGI, and it almost looks as if there's little to nothing left of Cyborg's human body here as he definitely seems to be armoured from head to toe. "He is a technopath," explains actor Ray Fisher. " means he can interface seamlessly with anything technological. His greatest weakness is actually trying not to succumb to the technology and trying to stay human." That sounds very much like his comic book counterpart and something which has the potential to be fascinating to see play out on the big screen. However, that isn't going to be in Batman V Superman if rumours are to be believed; recent stories have pointed to him being injured in Dawn Of Justice before suiting up next year.