Justice League: Snyder Cut - 10 Cuts Warner Bros Should NEVER Have Made

1. Frickin' Darkseid

Justice League Black Superman
Vero: Zack Snyder/Warner Bros. Pictures

In the theatrical cut of Justice League, we saw Steppenwolf's first invasion of Earth thousands of years ago. Originally, the defenders of Earth were meant to face Steppenwolf's overlord, Darkseid, who was known as Uxas at the time. With the combined might of the Amazons, the Greek pantheon, the Atlanteans, and the Green Lantern Corps, they barely defeated Uxas.

Shortly after, Uxas was endowed with the power of The Old Gods and was reborn as one of the strongest beings in the cosmos, Darkseid. If all of the protectors of Earth barely defeated him before he was reborn as a New God, that should give you an idea of how absurdly powerful Darkseid is.

In this battle, Uxas faced several Greek gods including Wonder Woman's father, Zeus, and her brother, Ares. Having this scene in the movie would've expanded upon Wonder Woman's lineage, which could've tied directly into a Wonder Woman sequel.

The film was meant to conclude with Darkseid recognising Steppenwolf's failure and preparing his invasion upon Earth. Some would argue this would come across as a fan-service gimmick but Joss Whedon teased Thanos at the end of The Avengers and look how well he turned out as a villain!

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