Justice League: Snyder Cut - 10 Cuts Warner Bros Should NEVER Have Made

5. Steppenwolf Dies

Justice League Black Superman
Warner Bros.

In the climax, Steppenwolf is overcome with fear when he is defeated by the Justice League. His army of Parademons turned against him before being teleported away to Apokolips.

The theatrical version of this film didn't turn out well but you could argue that Joss Whedon simply did his best considering he had to finish a half-complete film within a few months. However, the final battle between Steppenwolf and the League seems like the most unnecessary recut.

Originally, Steppenwolf was going to have the most epic death in the history of epic deaths. As Cyborg opens a Boom Tube using the Mother Box, Aquaman hurls Steppenwolf in the air by impaling him with his trident. Superman strikes him with the mother-of-all-punches, casting him towards Wonder Woman who decapitates him before his body flies into the Boom Tube back to Apokolips. It makes sense that Diana dealt the killing blow since she is a literal God-Killer as was explained in the film, Wonder Woman.

Despite the fact most of this fight was shot, it wasn't used. Instead, Steppenwolf is defeated after Wonder Woman shatters his axe. Considering Steppenwolf was the main antagonist, it seems like an anti-climatic way to end his story.


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