Justice League: Snyder Cut - 10 Cuts Warner Bros Should NEVER Have Made

4. Martian Manhunter Is Confirmed

Justice League Black Superman
Warner Bros.

There are reports that the producers at Warner Bros. found a rough cut of Justice League to be "incomprehensible". One such scene that would confuse anyone save for comic fanatics is the introduction of the alien, J'onn J'onzz AKA Martian Manhunter.

The scene begins with Martha Kent speaking to Lois Lane. At the end of the conversation, we would see Martha metamorphosise into J'onn. At first, this might come across as a gratuitous cameo. But this revelation means so much more

We would then see J'onn transform into Swanwick; the general that interrogated Superman in Man of Steel. This means that J'onn has been living on Earth for years but chose not to make his presence known during Zod's invasion or Superman's death. Why is he choosing to come out of the shadows now? Does he have a history with Steppenwolf? Does he know something about Darkseid?

Some of this scene was shot but never completed. The producers assumed Zack Snyder was overstuffing the film with fan-service and cameos, not realising that he was world-building. It's clear this small scene was building to J'onn playing a major role in an upcoming film but Warner Bros. couldn't see the point of it.


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