Justice League: Snyder Cut - 10 Cuts Warner Bros Should NEVER Have Made

3. Superman Dons A Black Version Of His Iconic Costume.

Justice League Black Superman
Warner Bros.

When Superman was killed by Doomsday in the comics, he returned to life shortly after wearing a black healing costume called the Recovery Suit. Since Supes died in Batman v Superman, fans assumed he'd don this getup when he was resurrected in Justice League.

Zack Snyder was always gunning on the Man of Steel wearing this suit but Joss Whedon decided to keep Superman's traditional ensemble since it was more "optimistic". It's possible the producers disregarded this wardrobe-change, assuming the dark attire was nothing more than a gimmick. After all, the main reason why superheroes' costumes change is to boost comic and toy sales.

But Supes' black uniform wasn't just a gimmick. In the comics, readers had never really seen Superman wear anything except his blue-and-red garb. His black duds symbolised his rebirth and how he had conquered his darkest hour.

It would have meant so much to fans to see the Last Son of Krypton wear this outfit on the big screen. So why didn't the producers put it in the movie? They spent $10 million to erase a moustache but they couldn't spare a few thousand dollars for one costume?!


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