Justice League: The Snyder Cut - 10 Coolest Details We Know So Far

6. It Explores Flash's Time-Travel Powers

Black Suit Superman
Vero: Zack Snyder/Warner Bros. Pictures

To this day, we still haven't been given the proper context for that scene in BvS where Flash delivers a message to Bruce Wayne. The speedster's time-travel capabilities were absent from Justice League entirely, and we never saw that BvS scene from his perspective.

But in the Snyder Cut, that's different. Here, Flash uses the Cosmic Treadmill (basically a time machine powered by super-speed running) to travel back in time and warn Bruce about the danger of Superman. Additionally, the character utilises time travel at the end of the film, too, when Cyborg fails to stop the unity of the Mother Boxes.

This results in Flash travelling back in time in order to give his robotic pal another shot at saving the day. Flash also uses the speed force to project Cyborg inside one of said Mother Boxes, allowing him to stop the unity from the inside. This also causes the metallic hero to have visions of his dead parents.

Justice League Snyder Cut Cyborg Mother Box vision
Vero: Zack Snyder/Warner Bros. Pictures

Snyder has shared numerous Flash images on his Vero page, and it's clear that the character has a much more integral role in the Snyder Cut than he does in the theatrical cut.


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