Justice League: The Snyder Cut - 10 Coolest Details We Know So Far

5. The Atom Has A Small Role...

Black Suit Superman
Vero: Zack Snyder/Warner Bros. Pictures

As well as cutting scenes featuring characters like Flash and Cyborg, the theatrical cut also chopped out entire characters altogether, including some major heroes that could've had big implications for the future of the franchise.

One example of this is Justice League's complete lack of screen time for Ryan Choi - who, in the comics, becomes size-shifting hero The Atom - a character that Snyder chose to include in his cut of the film, played by actor Orion Lee.

Now, it's unlikely that we'd have seen The Atom suit up alongside the Justice League or anything like that, but Snyder did have a small role for Choi as the director of nanotechnology at STAR Labs, working alongside Silas Stone. Nanotechnology is directly linked to The Atom's powers, so maybe we could've seen him working on an early version of his suit, or something along those lines.

What's more, the Atom isn't the only famous DC Comics character who's involved in the Snyder Cut...


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