Justice League: The Snyder Cut - 10 Coolest Details We Know So Far

4. ...And So Does Martian Manhunter

Black Suit Superman
Vero: Zack Snyder/Warner Bros. Pictures

Just like The Atom, this probably wasn't intended to be a major, film-altering role, but Snyder actually had plans to include Martian Manhunter in his vision for the movie.

As the director revealed by sharing a storyboard of the scene, the badass green-skinned alien appears at the tail-end of a conversation between Martha Kent and Lois Lane. When the two part ways, the camera lingers on Martha as she transforms into Manhunter, who then transforms into General Swanwick, a character played by Harry Lennix who appeared in Man Of Steel and BvS.

Man of Steel General Swanwick
Warner Bros.

Snyder later confirmed that he never finished this scene so the footage doesn't properly exist yet, but still, the implications of Manhunter's appearance are huge. Is he searching for information on Superman? If so, why? And was Swanwick actually Manhunter the whole time?

All questions that we'll probably never get answers to.


WhoCulture Channel Manager/Doctor Who Editor at WhatCulture. Can confirm that bow ties are cool.