Justice League: The Snyder Cut - 10 Coolest Details We Know So Far

2. Wonder Woman Decapitates Steppenwolf

Black Suit Superman
Vero: Zack Snyder/Warner Bros. Pictures

The way the theatrical cut of Justice League disposes of Steppenwolf was fun, but it was also underwhelming. That final showdown wasn't nearly as epic as you'd expect from a movie about the freaking Justice League, but Snyder's version switches things up and makes his defeat a lot more satisfying.

The theatrical cut shows Steppenwolf falling victim to his own Parademons before being teleported away, but the Snyder Cut has the heroes themselves be a lot more involved in the villain's demise. Aquaman impales him with his trident, Superman hits him with a powerful punch, and Wonder Woman finishes him by removing his head.

Justice League Snyder Cut Aquaman impales Steppenwolf
Instagram: @prideofgypsies/Warner Bros. Pictures

It sounds like a neat way for the heroes to chain their powers together, and considering that we didn't get a whole lot of that in Justice League, it would've been extremely cool to see on the big screen.


WhoCulture Channel Manager/Doctor Who Editor at WhatCulture. Can confirm that bow ties are cool.