Justice League Zack Snyder Cut: 10 Amazing Additions That Delivered Everything It Promised

1. The Epilogue

Justice League Superman Henry Cavill
Warner Bros.

While clearly building for things to come, the Epilogue of the Snyder Cut shows that there was a lot more to Bruce Wayne's nightmare world dream in Batman Vs. Superman. What initially seemed confusing and out of place, now starts to bear some fruit as we are given a much more in depth view into what that nightmare world was, how it came to be, and what could happen next.

The epilogue sees Batman leading what seems to be the last of the Justice League with Cyborg and the Flash, being joined by Mera, as well as Deathstroke, and the Joker. It is heavily implied that the death of Lois Lane set Superman on a path of rage and destruction and it is now up to this motley crew to try and stop him.

The dialogue and interplay here between these characters is fantastic, not to mention the payoff of finally seeing Ben Affleck and Jared Leto exchange some rather heated dialogue. The scene paints a grim picture of what would have been to come and shows that clearly Zack Snyder had much bigger plans than a lot of people realized.


Jacob Reinhard hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.