Justice League Zack Snyder Cut: 10 Amazing Additions That Delivered Everything It Promised

2. The Speedforce

Justice League Superman Henry Cavill
Warner Bros.

Most DC fans are, by now, at least somewhat aware of the speed force and the ever present threat of the Flashpoint Paradox. Having the Flash make several comments regarding his rule about reaching the speed of light and what him getting close to that speed could mean both for him and for time really sets up nicely for an event that transpires towards the end of the movie.

Just as it seems that all is lost, the Flash is faced with the impossible choice of losing everything, or having to break his rule. As the Flash begins to run well past the speed of light, the audience is treated to a visual spectacle as he runs back across time, with the earth and pavement literally reforming directly below his feet.

The implications of the Flash reaching this speed once again harken back to the nightmare world vision in Batman Vs. Superman, and in this moment not only do we see some outstanding visual effects, but it also delivers on an emotional payoff that was built up much earlier in the film.


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