Justice League Zack Snyder Cut: 10 Amazing Additions That Delivered Everything It Promised
9. Coherent Storytelling

The theatrical release of Justice League felt like a jumbled mess of scenes that only loosely fit together, and after watching the Snyder Cut it becomes clear that that's exactly what it was. Seeing the film presented in the proper order with the correct pacing and buildup truly shows how necessary the four hour runtime actually is. Characters and plot are both given the time they need to be fully understood and allow for the events of the movie to carry the weight they were meant to.
Watching things happen in the order they were supposed to go down tells the story in a completely different way. All of the major themes that were touched on in the theatrical release still happen but they happen much more organically and with a much stronger sense of purpose.
Character decisions and motivations are also given necessary development so that the audience never feels like they are questioning why an individual is doing something. Everything is laid out and presented in a way that perfectly flows from cause to effect and allows the story and characters to follow that thread.