Justice League Zack Snyder Cut: 10 Amazing Additions That Delivered Everything It Promised

5. Darkseid

Justice League Superman Henry Cavill
Warner Bros.

Any DC fan worth their salt knows who Darkseid is. So his absence from the theatrical release of Justice League was definitely noticed. However, he is more than present and accounted for in the Snyder cut. Actor Ray Porter does an absolutely fantastic job voicing the galactic despot. Giving his voice a deeper resonance, but still maintaining the intimidating whisper that Michael Ironside gave to the character decades ago in the Superman and Justice League animated series.

The Snyder Cut also gives Darkseid the perfect amount of screen time. Showing him both in flashbacks and the present while Steppenwolf acts to serve his will. Although Darkseid is not the main villain of the piece, his inclusion flawlessly presents him as both an imposing figure and a looming threat of what is to come. The dialogue and interaction between him and Steppenwolf is one of the finest scenes for both characters and shows just how terrifying Darkseid truly is.

The film of course ends on a cliffhanger that leaves the question of Darkseid's eventual conquest of earth all but assured, in a sequel that we will hopefully get to see someday.


Jacob Reinhard hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.