Justice League Zack Snyder Cut: 10 Amazing Additions That Delivered Everything It Promised

4. Building Character

Justice League Superman Henry Cavill
Warner Bros.

Character interplay and dialogue is incredibly important in a film like this and Zack Snyder knew that, allowing for scenes where the characters are able to talk to each other as people and truly get to know one another. The Flash and Cyborg have a great moment together where they summarize each others' origins and come to a very genuine understanding of each other.

Likewise, Wonder Woman and Aquaman are given a genuine moment of burying the hatchet as they discuss the implications of an Amazon and an Atlantean working together after so many years of conflict. This interaction comes to a beautiful conclusion as they realize that both cultures share the same philosophy of death, further uniting them in this battle for the planet.

The time spent between members of the Justice League getting to know one another allows the characters of the Snyder Cut to feel just as fleshed out as the MCU characters did in the first Avengers film. Furthermore, it makes seeing them truly come together in the end all the more satisfying when you see what it took for them to get there.


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