Justice League Zack Snyder Cut: 10 Amazing Additions That Delivered Everything It Promised

3. Cyborg's Backstory

Justice League Superman Henry Cavill
Warner Bros.

Of all of the differences between the theatrical release and the Snyder Cut, one stands out above all the others. And that is the inclusion of Cyborg's backstory. Actor Ray Fisher did an absolutely outstanding job portraying an extremely deep character with an incredible story arc that was unfairly cut from the theatrical release.

The Snyder Cut goes into full detail about not only the tragedy that is Cyborg's character in and of himself, but also the heart-wrenching conflict between Cyborg and his father. Both aspects of Cyborg's story are given the time they deserved and truly make his character the heart and soul of the film.

The full exploration of Cyborg allows the audience to truly come to understand his character as someone who feels he has lost everything, only to discover and come to terms with the absolute power at his fingertips. Every scene with Cyborg is drenched in an emotional flood that is brought to fruition by both spending the time necessary to understand the character, and the fantastic acting of Ray Fisher that brings this tortured soul to life.


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