Kang Is A Red Herring: 10 Villains Who May Be The Next TRUE Big Bad Of The MCU

2. Franklin Richards

Kang the Conquerer
Marvel Comics

What if Kang isn't so much a villain than he is an antagonist?

Kang could be introduced as a “villain” in the same sense that Thanos was a "villain": misguided in his attempts to sincerely save others from unnecessary death.

What if Kang was trying to do right by taking out a future threat in the form of Franklin Richards? The MCU could introduce Kang as a hero from the future who lived through a variation of the Days of Future Present storyline.

After watching Franklin make his teammates vanish (in a frighteningly similar way to The Snap of the past), he decides to go back in time and kill a young Franklin before he reaches his full mutant potential.

The knowledge that Franklin Richards is a threat to the future, even prior to his conception, will be taken seriously by the Avengers and most other superhero groups. The Fantastic Four, and potentially members of the Avengers or X-Men, will logically try to change this "future" and protect the child.

This would leave the Avengers, X-Men, Fantastic Four, and any other team fractured, making for a great Civil War 2 starting point.


Nick Dauk hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.