Kingsman 2: 8 Huge Predictions For The Golden Circle

4. The World Will Be Largely Governed By Women


One of the difficulties of writing a sequel to Kingsman is following up all of the ridiculous (and ridiculously entertaining) stuff that happened in the first one. The most notable of these is probably the fact that the most influential and powerful people in the world – the majority of whom were men, seeing as that's how the world's governments tend to be – had their heads blown off. Including the President of the United States.

The fall out for this, then, will be a huge ratio of women dominating positions of power across the world. It would certainly be an interesting direction to take the story, and would be a fantastic way of differentiating between what came before. Not only that, but Julianne Moore has already been confirmed to be playing the central villain, potentially a sign of a more matriarch-dominated film. Perhaps her nefarious motivation could involve the elevation of women to power across the globe?

As for what the implication of women governing the earth might be, it's likely that much of Kingsman's male-dominated cast would feel threatened by this, creating a huge amount of tension between them and the Statesman's female leader played by Halle Berry. Given such an opportunity, it'd be great to see Vaughn use this fear and tension to parallel the real world's fear of women in control, only to have the Kingsman realize at the end that the majority of the world is in a considerably better state than it used to be.


Commonly found reading, sitting firmly in a seat at the cinema (bottle of water and a Freddo bar, please) or listening to the Mountain Goats.