Kiss Me Deadly: 10 Films That Feature Necrophilia

6. NEKRomantik 2 (1991)

xss NEKRomantik 2 starts off where NEKRomantik left off. There is a flashback to Rob's suicide and we see Monika digging up Rob's corpse and bringing it back to her home. Mark heads off to work - dubbing porn movies and Monika undresses Rob's body and has sex with him. We see a disappointed Betty at Mark's grave, annoyed someone got to him before her. It should be stressed that at this point Mark and Monika do not meet until Mark is let down by a date and randomly offers a passing Monika the ticket for the movie. The pair hit it off and after a couple of dates, Monika dismembers Rob, keeping only his head and genitals. Mark discovers them in the fridge at Monika's and consequently reveals Monika's necrophiliac tendencies. Mark is a bit aghast - especially when Monika and her necro buddies hold a movie night which he gatecrashes. They are watching the dissection of a seal. This appals Mark and Monika's buddies take a dislike to him. Mark thinks it is disgusting to get off on such cruelty, the pair quarrel but agree to meet up again. In the middle of a sex session, Monika beheads Mark and puts Rob's head on his body. She is later seen being congratulated for her pregnancy. The ending is out of this world and has to be seen to be believed but on the whole, the film is lacklustre compared to the first NEKRomantik. This is mainly due to the character of Monika and her vacillations over whether she wants to shag alive people (Mark) or dead people (Rob). Monika and Mark are not as good a pairing as Betty and Rob. They may be slightly more able to act, but on the whole, the film is tedious - interspersed with some awesome gore (the effects have improved too). There is a very lengthy dismemberment scene that drags on and on which dilutes all of the horror, becoming slightly comical in the process. Generally, NEKRomantik 2, is very dull compared to its predecessor, showing only occasional flashes of Buttgereit's genius. You will have to wade through a lot of boring stuff to get to it.
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My first film watched was Carrie aged 2 on my dad's knee. Educated at The University of St Andrews and Trinity College Dublin. Fan of Arthouse, Exploitation, Horror, Euro Trash, Giallo, New French Extremism. Weaned at the bosom of a Russ Meyer starlet. The bleaker, artier or sleazier the better!