Le Mans '66 Review: 7 Ups & 3 Downs
1. The Ending Feels A Bit Rushed
As completely riveting as the film's climactic 1966 Le Mans race is, the final few scenes do feel a tad rushed, and it ultimately robs the film of some of its emotional potential.
The infamous outcome of the race is itself glossed over so quickly that audiences less-familiar with racing may be left a tad confused.
This is followed by the visceral cornerstone of the movie, a scene that's supposed to be incredibly affecting, and yet, it's all over so fast that you may feel that director James Mangold didn't take full advantage of the dramatic tools at his disposal.
While some could argue that it's admirable Mangold didn't milk these moments for greater pomp and circumstance, it still would've been nice to let them breathe a beat or two longer.
These issues aside, Le Mans '66 is a well-oiled sports pic that's absolutely worth you time. Here's everything it gets right...